
The European Banking Authority (EBA) published a discussion paper (DP) on the feasibility study of an integrated reporting system to collect feedback by 11 June 2021 for the preparation of its final report, mandated by Art. 430c of the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR), on the development of a consistent and integrated system for collecting statistical, resolution, and prudential data. The DP serves as a basis for further discussions with the aim of gathering additional evidence and opinions, but it does not make concrete proposals for implementation. Instead, the DP outlines possible options based on building blocks of a single reporting system for supervisory, resolution and central bank statistical data: a single data dictionary (SDD) and a central data collection point, together with the related governance aspects. The study relies on a fact-finding and research phase, the experience of relevant authorities, and private-sector stakeholders’ views on current problems and potential solutions.
