We are pleased to announce that Regnology is among the 77 medium-sized and large companies that are listed in the first PRIDE Index 2021 by UHLALA Group. UHLALA Group is the leading LGBTIQ+ social business beyond Germany’s borders. Since 2009, it has been driving social change and has been working towards the LGBTIQ+ friendly world of tomorrow. With the PRIDE Index 2021, which was published on December 7, 2021, UHLALA Group recognizes companies that are particularly committed to LGBTIQ+ in the workplace and have implemented internal structures that empower employees and support equal opportunities.

The listing in the PRIDE Index 2021 clearly shows that we as a company and employer embrace diversity. With our diverse teams, we deliver better results and create value for our customers. We are particularly proud that we offer our LGBTIQ+ employees a safe and open work environment.

Matthias Hoff, Chief Human Resources Officer at Regnology

We sincerely congratulate Regnology on the great performance and the top result in our PRIDE audit. The achieved overall result of over 70% reflects the great and sustainable commitment to LGBTIQ+ diversity and LGBTIQ+ employees. For this above-average score and strong commitment as well as the inclusive and open structures, we have certified Regnology with the LGBTIQ+ employer seal PRIDE Champion - a strong sign for appreciation and equal opportunities.

Stuart Bruce Cameron, CEO UHLALA Group

This year, Regnology scored 72% in the PRIDE Index and was awarded the Silver PRIDE Champion employer seal. The overall score reflects Regnology’s performance in the categories Organizational Structures, Human Resources and Recruiting, Communication and Visibility, as well as Legal Framework and Regulations. It is Regnology’s ambition to continuously develop and improve by listening and learning more about diversity and LGBTIQ+.

The PRIDE Index 2021 is available for download at https://uhlala.com/pride-index/.
